This is how we work. This is how it works!

We often tell you about our work in the villages, the success stories of our students, and community development projects. But who carry out daily work and make those programs a reality often remains behind the scenes. Today, on Labor Day in Armenia, we’d like to bring the special PEOPLE behind COAF’s mission to the fore.

Nairi Zatikyan is our engineer. She’s getting herself some tea before leaving for Debet to see how the constructions of the Debet beauty salon and the “HayPost” branch are nearing completion.

Our Debate Instructor Larisa Mkrtchyan is preparing for the lesson and her everyday trip to Armavir.

Rebecca is one of our communications specialists. She is busy preparing the monthly newsletter. By the way, do you get them? If not, click the “Subscribe” button on the website, and fill in the fields to make sure you keep up with our work. Believe us, the more you subscribe, the heartier Rebecca will laugh.

Family portrait from our Yerevan office.

During our founder Dr. Garo Armen’s recent visit to Armenia, our Infrastructure Program Coordinator Artur briefs him on the progress of the COAF Visitor Center, Dsegh Health Center, and other infrastructure projects.

The SMART Center gardener Edward Sargsyan on his green mission.

Many know the superpowers of the COAF SMART Digital Drawing Instructor Vahrad. Students finish his program with an overdose of creativity and inspiration.

People who make SMART “a dream school.”

They are the first to know and take care of the needs of our beneficiaries. The teams of our psychologists and the Child Development Corner of the SMART Center.

Emma Vardanyan is the social worker of the newly-opened Child and Family Center in Hatsik village. Meetings with our beneficiaries now take place in such an intimate environment.

Mary Matinyan, our receptionist at the Concept Hotel, is always waiting for your calls.

During the war and epidemic, many of us, regardless of the nature of the work, were busy packing humanitarian aid for our villages. Our driver Edgar was among the support team.

Once a COAFian, forever a COAFian. Us in 2019.

Whenever we get together, we build, create, and imagine.

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Yerevan, Armenia
2/2 Melik Adamyan
Yerevan 0010, RA
+374 10 502076