Virtual exhibition of COAF’s young artists

June 1st is International Child Protection Day, but at COAF, every day is children’s day. To celebrate this day with the positivity and purity typical of children, we decided to virtually showcase the unique artworks of the students enrolled in our Drawing program in the Armavir and Aragatsotn regions. Enjoy our very own virtual exhibition.

“When autumn turns into winter. ” Iveta Gevorgyan, Myasnikyan village

“The rain-soaked street and its only pedestrian.” Hayk Galstyan, Lernagog village

“A happy moment: grandma looking after her grandchild playing in the street.” Azniv Maralovyan, Dalarik village 

“The musicians.” Levon Azatyan, Getashen village 

“Fall foliage.” Lida Araskhanyan, Vanand village 

“If only we had a movie theater in our village.” Liana Araskhanyan, Vanand village 

“The magic light transforming the warm sunset into a starry night.” Tsovinar Gevorgyan, Myasnikyan village 

“Things I wish we had in our village: a big playground, park, and entertainment places.” Anahit Sahakyan, Lernagog village 

“The island of my dreams, surrounded by palm trees, mountains, and the sea.” David Arshakyan, Getashen village

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